Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Have An Asante Network Sale at Your Church!

ASANTE means Thank you in Swahili

There is an adage that goes something like this: “If you want to make someone independent, don’t just give her a fish; teach her how to fish.” The Asante Network knows of women in Tanzania and Uganda who have not only learned how to fish, but have nets, already filled with fish. The “fish” in their nets are hand-woven baskets, beautiful textile products and other unique crafts. These women aren’t asking for a handout. However, they do need a helping hand. What they have need of is someone willing to find and develop a market in which they can sell their products.

Asante Network began in 2002 when members of the Sierra Pacific Synod Hunger Committee and speakers for Stand with Africa project were led in God’s mysterious way to the Women’s Groups in Uganda and later in Tanzania. In 2005 Asante Network applied for and received 501 (3) c status. In 2007 Fair Trade status was received through the Fair Trade Federation.

Beautiful and well-made baskets, batik and tye-dyed textiles (clothing, tablecloths, bedcovers, and wall hangings,) and hand-carved crafts are purchased directly by Asante Network from the Miichi Women’s Group in Tanzania and NEEPU Women’s Group in Uganda. The money the women receive help them to feed their families, to send their children to school, to support their church and to support AIDS orphans. Additional funds raised help to build classrooms, provide scholarships, books and tools.

Volunteers love to speak to church groups to tell the stories of our sisters and brothers in Africa and how our work with them has changed our lives. Kathy and Stan Booker from Alameda and Pat Daily from Pleasant Hill travel to various churches to set up an African Bazaar and give presentations in their effort to help end hunger.

You can help too by contacting one of the volunteers to schedule an Asante Network Arts and Craft Fair and presentation at your church for a Mission Sunday, Women’s Luncheon, Mother/Daughter Lunch, Black History Event, Alternate Christmas Fair or just to support our work in helping empty the women’s “nets” in Tanzania and Uganda so that they continue to be self-supporting. This work really makes a difference in these women’s lives and in our lives.

Click on this link to go to their website: Asante Network

Kathy and Stan Booker Pat Daily
kbooker817@comcast.net  patwirgdaily@gmail.com

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hold an ELCA Hunger Appeal Offering Soon!

Gifts to the ELCA Hunger Appeal are one of the most effective ways your congregation can fight hunger around the globe. You can order many wonderful resources to use in your congregation, and they are all free! Check them out at this website link. http://www.elca.org/hunger/resources/top40.html

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bread For the World

Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation's decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing policies, programs and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist, we provide help and opportunity far beyond the communities where we live.

When you join Bread for the World your voice becomes more effective. When writing or calling your members of Congress, you will be joining other Bread for the World members across the country who are also advocating for hungry and poor people.

Bread for the World members make a difference! Year after year, Bread members have won far-reaching changes for hungry and poor people. The U.S. government has doubled funding for effective programs that help developing countries in Africa and other poor parts of the world, and this would not have happened without the persistent advocacy of Bread for the World members. Bread for the World has also helped to strengthen the national nutrition programs, assisting millions of the families in this country who struggle to feed their children.

Join Bread's effective anti-hunger efforts!